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carrier fluid中文是什么意思

用"carrier fluid"造句"carrier fluid"怎么读"carrier fluid" in a sentence


  • 传递液
  • 携带液
  • 载流流体
  • 载液


  • There are two ways that the solid particles come from : ( 1 ) environment and wear particles ; ( 2 ) solid additives suspending in carrier fluids
  • ( 2 ) solid additives suspending in carrier fluids . interactions between the particles , liquids and the frictional surfaces will greatly affect the performances of the tribopairs
  • Liquids are divided into single and complex fluids according to theirs structure . complex fluids are called soft materials too . electrorhological fluids compose of high dielectric constant particles and lower dielectric constant carrier fluids
  • By performing fourier transformation , the relationship between the turbulent intensity of the particle and that of the carrier fluid was obtained which makes clear that particle size , specific gravity , velocity gradient , and the characteristic frequency of energy - containing eddies are four basic influencing parameters . it is proven theoretically that under certain conditions , the stream - wise and transverse particle turbulent intensities exceed those of the carrier fluid . based on the equations of two - phase flow , the presence of fine sediment suspension is shown to attenuate the turbulent intensity of the water
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